April 22nd, 2020.

Since March 12th, teaching staff have been working on maintaining connection with students and families remotely. This is being done in a variety of ways and is evolving each day.

Here is some detail on what we are working on in school and also with our students now that we are interacting with them remotely for the moment:

Links between principles  L1LPs Junior cycle principles Senior cycle principles L1LPs Learning to learn Lifelong learning Programmes are designed to address the learning needs of the student. They enable students to experience and develop skills that will support them to engage in their environment and community in life after school.

Choice and flexibility : Choice and flexibility Programmes are flexible in nature and reflect the reality of the range of contexts and settings involved. As far as possible student choice is facilitated even where it is a ‘supported’ choice.

Quality : Quality Programmes are subject to continual review, development and adjustment in the interest of the student and his/her holistic development. Creativity and innovation Creativity and innovation Programmes give teachers and students the opportunity to engage in the curriculum in creative and innovative ways. They also enable students to explore and develop their creative talents.

Engagement and participation: Participation, relevance and enjoyment Programmes have meaning for students, are enjoyable, and support them in achieving their potential. Learning connects to life outside of school. Consideration is given to the student’s prior learning and experiences, personal and social development, and age appropriateness.

Continuity and development : Continuity Programmes are planned with a view to easing transitions that students face. A programme that builds on prior learning and supports students in making links within and across learning areas provides for continuity and opens up pathways for future learning. Inclusive education Inclusive education Programmes are inclusive in their planning, design and operation. They are designed to meet the needs of the students to support his/her inclusion in the life of the school or setting, and their community.

Wellbeing : Wellbeing Programmes are designed with the student at the centre. This enables the physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing to be an integral part of the programme.

L1LPs emphasise that learning for the students in question:

• focuses on the student’s communication, cognitive, life and functional skills as well as sensory needs that underpin all future learning

• must be meaningful and interesting for them, offering opportunities for them to build on what they can do rather than focusing on their disabilities

• is planned through a holistic approach and takes account of students’ preferred sensory and learning channels and their ways of processing information.  (P.12 NCCA L1LPs)

L1LPs Undertaken by the students







Children from 12-16 years of age in our school will work closely with their teachers on our own school designed programme, based on the JCSP L1LP framework.

Our work will be guided by the;

  • twenty-four statements of learning
  • eight principles and eight key skills that are the core of the new Junior cycle.

Our learning and progress will be achieved through a combination of subjects and short courses.

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© 2025 Crabtree House, Springfield Drive, Dooradoyle, Limerick.

Telephone: 061 302 733

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20008536

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